Monday, July 6, 2009

Michael Jackson's Ghost

Michael jackson's ghost seen in neverland ranch during CNN Larry King interview . Very strange !!
On first glance of the footage, it seems to show an apparition walking across the hall. On further inspection, it appears as though the shadow is probably coming from the room at the end of the hal...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Free Vodafone GPRS

Free vodafone gprs,do this setting:
Proxy address:
Port IP:9401
Data bearer:Packet Data
Access point:portalnmms

Run Program In Admin Mode

In vista to run a program i nadmin mode just select the app(exe) or shortcut and press shift+enter

Rapidshare Unlimited Download

>Go to page
>select free button i naddress bar paste:alert(c=0)
>click ok (pop up)

Hide Folder In Nokia

Hide folder in nokia---
>change folder name to .ota extention (eg FOLD1.ota) or
>change to .nth extention